Friday, May 18, 2012

Some Tips to Try for Fishing Success in the New Season

Gus caught this albino catfish on July 4

There are things to try for more fishing success when another open water fishing season is either here or near. If an angler wants to catch more fish, there are some things that can be done that will enable them to do so. Following are some of those things.

Learn a new technique. Some anglers are very versatile when it comes to fishing techniques; some rely on just one or two methods. The anglers that are skilled in several fishing techniques will usually catch more fish. Most species of fish move around during a fishing season, and some techniques are more suited to certain situations. When the walleyesare spread out, trolling spinner rigs or crankbaits will usually be more productive. When they're holding close to a shallow structure, casting a jig will probably be better. If you're comfortable employing a variety of techniques, you'll probably catch more fish throughout the year.

Refine a technique. Just as it's important to learn a new technique, it's also a good idea to refine a technique you already know. Lots of anglers are adept at catching walleyes on a jig tipped with a minnow. Make this the year you learn how to use soft bait on jigs. It's a different deal. When using a jig with a minnow, you can't beat a Fireball jig: The Fireball was made for minnows. As we've learned how effective PowerBait and the Gulp! products can be, there was a need for a jig that would enable an angler to effectively present PowerBait and Gulp! That's where the Slurp! Jig came from: It is perfect for soft bait use. Minnows on jigs will continue to be an outstanding fish catcher, but there are also times when jigs and soft bait will be better.

Learn how to use a jig and soft bait and you'll catch more fish.

Become a multi-specie angler. Some folks chase only one fish species, and if that's what you enjoy, that's ok. However, most anglers would rather catch a bunch of panfish than not catch any bass. There are days when the bass or walleyes or whatever don't want to get caught. When that day arrives, if you are a multi-species angler, you'll go looking for another species of fish that isn't so finicky on that day. Instead of being a bass fisherman, be a fisherman.

Go fishing whenever you can. Wherever you live, there's probably a fishing hole nearby. It might not be your first choice of places to go fishing, but you're still going fishing. And you never know what could happen if you've got a line in the water. You might get bit, you might not. But it's a guarantee, if you don't have a line in the water, you won't catch anything.

Make this the year you introduce someone new to the joys of fishing. It could be a youngster, it could just as easily be "not a youngster". There are so many people in your neighborhood that would enjoy fishing if someone would just take them. Fishing is a good thing: Give someone else the opportunity to discover that.

Lastly, make this the fishing season that you get more attentive to the fishing landscape. If you see litter at the boat ramp, or a can floating on the water, or if you snag a wad of line, put that stuff in a litter bag where it belongs.

Another fishing season is here. Enjoy it, and go whenever you get the chance.

Keep a tight line!


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